Bicosome collaborates with CRENCO;

an intergenerational educational non-profit organization.

CRENCO is a non-profit project from the “Fundació Sant Joan de Déu” that aims to create an Intergenerational educational model/program that can be implemented in all schools during school hours. The project aims to encourage, coordinate and support intergenerational training programs in communities at the national and international level, where they work with various public and private institutions to give rise to the various community actions that promote a more just and inclusive society, where all generations can continue to have opportunities.

Bicosome collaborates with CRENCO participating in the so-called “Project NANO”, an initiative born to bring basic understanding of the nanoworld to both young students and retired elders.

This year, thanks to the improvement of the pandemic situations, students and elders had the opportunity to visit our installations at the Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC), where Dra. Olga López and Dra. Merce Cócera explained them more about the skin and why it is important to take care of it with nanotechnology.

We are pleased to participate in projects such as CRENCO, and help bring knowledge and integration to all sectors of our society.
